Saturday, 19 May 2012

I love Japan colouring book

I have blogged here before about a project I was involved in to produce a colouring book for children in Japan affected by the tsunami and its aftermath in 2011. Two thousand copies were produced with one thousand going to the children of Japan and one thousand being sold. The project involved twenty four artists from around the world all working in different mediums and the result was pretty awesome. More information can be found on their blog ( or on their Facebook page (

I have a five copies to sell and have put together a little package which I hope will add a little extra incentive for you to purchase one. All the proceeds from selling these packs go to cover the costs of producing the book and hopefully producing another run so more can be sent to Japan.

Each pack costs £12 and includes:

- Your copy of the book
- An exclusive print I have produced especially for this (see below)
- A pin badge featuring one of my designs

I can send this as a gift so if you know someone with kids with upcoming birthdays then I can wrap it and send it straight to them. 

If you're interested drop me an email at handprintedbydavid (at) or contact me via Facebook or Twitter and we'll take it from there.

Here is a selection of the artwork included in the book:

Here is the book itself:

And here is the print which could also be yours:

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